
Case Study

Single Source Keeps Staff Small and Business Running Smoothly with Automate

Background Single Source is a large-volume provider of dry, refrigerated, frozen, grocery, paper, and chemical products for institutional commissaries, primarily correction institutions. The company processes and ships approximately 250 million pounds of food each year, nationwide, and they do it all with only 22 employees. As a small business with a high volume of orders to process and ship...


Webdocs helps you streamline your business processes by managing the entire document lifecycle digitally. That makes it easier for everyone at your organization to get the information they need anytime, anywhere (as long as they’re authorized). Capture Every Document Automate the document capture process—no matter how you receive documents. With Webdocs, you can go beyond just scanning and storing...

The Business Leader’s Handbook for Building an Automation Center of Excellence (ungated)

The Business Leader’s Handbook for Building an Automation Center of Excellence (ungated) hsadmin Tue, 10/17/2017 - 16:54
Creating an automation center of excellence (COE) ensures that you are automating your enterprise with strategy and vision. This guide gives you the expertise you need to put together a great team, follow best practices, and continually optimize your automation COE.