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Your organization’s data is its most valuable asset. Retaining data properly helps ensure you meet industry compliance requirements and keep the trust of your customers or trading partners. Whatever your organization’s specific data retention policies may be, you’ll need to ensure that your data is secured at rest as well as in motion, with robust auditing and reporting of all file movements.

Content Intelligence: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

There are many different strategies a company can employ to help drive their organization to the next level. But why not use what you already have in your hands? Connect your content, documents, and information together to drive your business to the next level.

How Legacy Processing in IT Leads to Downtime on IBM i

Why haven’t IT processes kept pace with business changes? Why are you still suffering from downtime as the result of human error? Read this article to see how legacy processing methods are still leading to downtime today—and what you can do to stop it.

Google Forms May Be Free, But Does it Give Your Organization All It Needs?

With tighter budgets, everyone is looking for ways to optimize costs. But sometimes a free tool isn’t the answer—especially when it comes to electronic forms. While the lack of a price tag might make Google Forms look like a good option for your business, ask yourself: are you getting everything you need from a forms solution? Before you make your decision, check out these three reasons why a...

Be in Control of Your ERP

Many ERP packages have built-in schedulers. However, these schedulers are typically not flexible or robust enough to meet the needs of even the smallest data center.