
News Article

MOTOR: EVs and Cybercrime

What are the cybersecurity must-haves for electric vehicles? In this MOTOR Information Systems article, Antonio Sanchez discusses the EV market and potential cyber threats related to EVs.
News Article

IT Nerd: American Privacy Rights Act Unveiled

The recently unveiled American Privacy Rights Act is a significant step toward establishing a federal data privacy standard in the U.S. Antonio Sanchez spoke with IT Nerd and shared his observations about the legislation.

Evolve Your Security Strategy to Prepare for DORA

Although the DORA compliance deadline is further away, financial institutions regulated by the Act should start preparing their journey now, before the last minute panic keeps knocking on your door. Antonio Sanchez breaks down the five DORA pillars and highlights what it takes to evolve your security effort.
News Article

Digital Journal: FBI’s Warning Around Sextortion Schemes

The FBI has issued a warning about the use of "deepfakes" in a new wave of sextortion schemes. In his interview with Digital Journal, John Wilson examines the techniques used and provides valuable tips to help protect children from such scams.
News Article

Forbes Advisor: Beware Of Loan Scams

In his latest Forbes Advisor article, John Wilson discusses loan scams and shares 7 red flags to help identify and avoid fraudulent loan offers.