New Updates for Automate 10 Now Available

Posted on February 28, 2015

Automate 10

Version 10.4 is now available and addresses various issues that were introduced in previous versions. It has more than 150 corrections. This release also includes the Dataset to CSV activity which adds the ability to output a dataset to a .csv file. You can find a complete list of the fixes below.

This is a recommended update for all of our Automate users.

18706 WEB BROWSER (OPEN): firefox v43.0 does not support unsigned extensions, automation extension is disabled
18699 HELP FILE: terminal action activity descriptions are incorrect
18686 SCHEDULE TRIGGER:  When schedule set to recurring monthly falls on Fall DST hour, rescheduling Nex Launch Date for an hour after
18654 AMTB VARIABLES: In Variables debug panel, nothing happens when object with "Type" = "Field" is right clicked and "inspect" selected
18615 NextLunch date is not being saved in ScheduleTrigger
18587 AMTB:  When task is open which contains attachments when user selects "File>New", getting "List Index out of bounds" popup
18585 COMMUNICATION LAYER:  When creating or importing tasks with large attachments (greater than 10MB) in AMTA or SMC, getting error
18584 If (LAST STEP FAILS): If Last step fails gets ignored if the step ahead contains OnErrorStep "continue"
18583 HEALTHCHECK: HealthCheck.exe fails with System.ArgumentException
18575 WFD:  Clicking on "Repository Properties" for a Condition stored in the repository and then attempting to edit the properties generates error
18574 WFD:  Clicking on "Repository Properties" for Tasks, Workflows and Processes stored in repository generates message "This condition is not available with the currently registered license".
18549 FILE SYSTEM (GET INFORMATION): File size is getting the size in bytes rather than KB as mentioned in the help file
18548 AMTA (BACKUP): Error message if task directory exceeds limit
18531 A BPA task does not fail when logon fails
18517 TEXT (GET SUBSTRING): Start Index cannot be larger than length of string when the file is blank
18511 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): "Specified Date and Time" fails if The month is one digit and format is set to MMdyyyy.
18439 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE):  When second/minute/hour interval event scheduled event, trigger schedule offsets 1 hour when crossing DST End Date boundary, missing scheduled interval
18430 VARIABLE (Create) -Percent sign causes error in "description" tab
18374 SHARED VARIABLES: System.NullReferenceException error when referencing a constant in a shared variable
18342 IMAGE "CAPTURE" (Active Window): Screen capture when set to "Active Window' is corrupt
18302 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE):  When daily, weekly and monthly interval scheduled event, trigger schedule offsets 1 hour when crossing Fall DST boundary
18272 LOGON: AMLogonCredProvider.dll fails to login after previous failed attempt
18245 DATASETS:output is not correct when date is in Australian date format
18244 EXCEL (OPEN/CREATE WORKBOOK): formatting is not correct when opening workbook
18208 SMC: Unable to import workflows
18175 AMTB (REGIONS): Adding a step to the bottom of the region will not save the action inside of it
18145 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME)(IMPORT): Importing AM9 task does not convert date/time action
18108 FILE SYSTEM (COPY FILES): Dataset.Message does not populate
17977 SMC (INDICATOR WINDOW): Show Running Tasks disappears (intermittent issue)
17970 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Actions within tasks will not migrate
17967 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Swedish characters are corrupted when using the migration utility.
17877 File Triggger (Include Mask): Multiple WF that are monitoring the same folder with an include mask will kick off when a file is added
17792 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Task Exclusions data not present in SMC after Datastore Migration
17776 SMC:  When Workflow or Task title contains Unicode, SMC tooltip displaying "??????????" in "result output" row
17775 AMTB:  When Task title contains Unicode, Task Builder displays the title incorrectly
17774 AMTA:  When Task title contains Unicode, choosing to edit generates popup that the AML file does not exist
17747 LICENSING:  When hardware id specific trial license key applied and MAC id changed, license not recognizing system
17741 HELP FILES:  Typing F1 on any page of SMC Reports section opens "Reports Overview" Help file and not the Help File specific to that page.
17739 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Warning message in Step 1 is incorrect
17736 AMTA (Step Exeuction) Execution of step order not adhered to when ran in AMTA
17688 CSV TO DATASET:  When column header or text row of .csv includes a space, all text after the space is stripped out when populating dataset
17663 FTP (LOGON): Port Number reverts back to its default
17660 HELP FILE:  "File System" Help page includes link to "Compression - Decompress" activity
17659 HELP FILE:  File System page missing link to "CSV to dataset" link in "Available Activities" table
17647 AMTASK: Running an encrypted task via command prompt will result in a Task Interpreter error
17577 AMTB:  Throw more specific error message for "JSON" and "Type" activities when the name of the Object they create has disallowable characters
17571 FUNCTION: OnTaskStart function executes on every 'custom function call' from Main task
17565 AMTB:  Disable "Properties" right-click option in Variables Debug panel when object type is "Structure"
17481 WAIT (WAIT FOR WINDOW): Error causes missing (error causes tab)
17480 SCHEDULE TRIGGER (EXCLUSIONS): Adding multiple exclusions 2 "specific time range" and 1 "Specific days" will change the visual view of an exclusion.
17464 AMTB: "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" has "R" assigned as hotkey for multiple options
17441 AMTB:  In Function Properties, hotkey to select Parameters table defined same as checkbox, will never select the Parameters table
17429 SMC (PRIORITIES):  Task Priority does not honor the option (do not run task, Success)
17419 AMTB:  Attachments not refreshed when "refresh" selected, connectivity to originating file is lost
17415 AMTB:  When file attached, path name is not retained in the "Attachment File" textbox, connectivity to active file is lost
17412 RUN: "An unexpected error has occurred." error message when "run only if another instance isn't running" options are configured
17411 AMTB:  User able to create a Function Parameter without a name
17403 EXCHANGE (GET OBJECT(S)):Does not show repeating appointments if they are set to reoccur
17401 IF (Complex Expression Evaluation, if) - If not evaluating expression properly
17387 EXCEL (GET CELL(S) "Auto Detect"): Selecting the option "Auto Detect" when all referenced excel cells are blank results in error as expected, but throws incorrect "COM library cannot be initialized" message
17380 AMTB:  TaskView panel not switching from "Task Variables" to "Functions" when jumping to Task Function elements in Debug panel
17371 AMTB:  Double-clicking on some Task Variables in the "Variables" Debug window opening Action Properties for existing steps in the active function
17369 AMTB:  "Watches" Debug panel allows user to select more than one object row at a time
17311 AMTB:  "Function" functionality remains active when TaskView panel set to "Task Variables"
17275 HELP FILE:  When "Copy Description" selected, user unable to paste into TaskView panel as a new step
17272 AMTB:  "Next Bookmark" and "Previous Bookmark" only working when highlighted step in TaskView panel is bookmarked
17271 HELP FILE:  "More on Bookmarks" links on "Ribbon" Help page navigating to wrong page
17227 FILE SYSTEM (COPY FILES): Import of a V8 task does not keep the check for the option for "Preserve folder structure"
17224 TEXT (REPLACE): Replace action is displaying "Replace text" and not working with the function in the find
17221 SMC: Connect To field Error
17220 WEB BROWSER (SET TEXT): Set Text activity unable to set 'null' value as Variable
17218 HELP FILE (AUTOMATE PROFESSIONAL EDITION):Support for Remote Administration needs to be updated
17216 SMC: Crashes due to SMC Preferences
17215 PDF (CREATE): Margins are off when converting HTML to PDF
17161 AMTB (REGION): Copying/pasting a Region doubles the steps that get pasted
17144 AMTB:  Once something other than "use this sound" selected for "sound on error" option, file selection becomes permanently inactive
17106 AMTB:  User not warned when invalid data entered in "Folder" field of "Browse For Folder" OpenFolderDialog window accessed from "General" page in Options window
17105 AMTB:  Same hotkeys used to define multiple fields on the Toolbar page of the Options window
17104 AMTB:  hotkey functionality on Toolbar page in Options window not working
17098 AMTB:  "Options" window page tree allows for editable page names, but does not retain the changes
17089 AMTB:  Same hotkeys used to define multiple dropdowns on the Colors page of the Options window
17088 AMTB:  Hotkey functionality on Colors page in Options window not working, hotkeys for Fonts page incorrectly activated on this page
17087 AMTB:  Hotkey functionality on Fonts page in Options window not working
17071 AMTB:  No Option to "always" include error descriptions in Visual View
17019 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): date & time does not dynamically adjust within the action editor when configuring the adjust options in the advanced section
17014 AMTrigger: AMTrigger.TriggeredDateTime has a format issue when called via schedule trigger
17011 AMTB:  "Clear Recent" button functionality not working
16975 SCHEDULE TRIGGER (CUSTOM): Restarting AM service will cause custom trigger tasks to kick off
16962 COMPRESSION (Decompress): File System failed (Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)
16959 AUTOMATE & BPA LICENSE:  Applying some non-Automate Fortra keys into AMTA or SMC, getting status "Key Valid"
16953 TASK BUILDER:  "Clear Popular" button in Actions Tab ribbon - name needs updating, functionality not working
16889 VARIABLE (CREATE): Variable "varPassword" could not be set (Missing closing percentage sign to end expression) when setting a value with an escaped % and disguise initial value is selected
16847 HELP FILE:  Group Names in the "Tabs & Commands" section of the Task Builder Ribbon page displaying as links but do not support link functionality
16844 HELP FILE:  "More on My Actions Pane" missing link functionality on Home/TaskBuilder/User Interface/Ribbon page
16787 AMTB: in Attachments Panel of Debug Window, right-clicking on attachment and selecting "Refresh" generates Access Violation error
16786 HELP FILE: Multiple Debug Panel Help Pages getting Javascript error in both AM and BPA
16784 AMTB:  Parameters from NewFunction retained in Parameters table after new Task Function selected
16779 STRDUP() FUNCTION: "Expression evaluation failed: "A variable or function in the expression does not exist or is misspelled " error
16746 BPAS_EXEC: Oracle DB backend does not populates tables if any user other than SYSTEM is used
16743 FTP (SYNCHRONIZE FOLDERS): grammar correction in Visual View of AMTB - change "if file exist at both location" to be "if file exists at both locations"
16739 FILE SYSTEM (READ FROM FILE): multiline regex replace is not functioning beyond first line
16621 CRYPTOGRAPHY (DECRYPT/VERIFY): Public key passphrase cannot be modified/deleted
16619 CRYPTOGRAPHY (DECRYPT): Passphrase is not being saved under "PGP Public key"
16618 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow referencing missing schedule trigger kills exec server
16617 DATASET TO CSV ACTIVITY: Activity Description in AML View not consistent with "CSV to Dataset" activity naming convention
16610 AMTASK: Abnormal Program Termination Error when running task that call subtasks
16599 VMWARE HOST (POWER OFF): Selection for "Soft Shutdown" does not save
16598 FILE SYSTEM (CSV TO DATASET): regardless of delimiter selection, csv will parse file against ALL possible delimiters
16596 HELP FILE:  When accessing Help on SMC Options>Licenses page, Help opens to "This page can't be displayed" page
16595 HELP FILE:  When accessing Help on SMC Calendar page, Help opens to "This page can't be displayed" page
16593 COMPRESSION (DECOMPRESS): Decompress action will extract files in adjacent folders if the compressed file name is the same. Occurs only when "preserve
16592 "TYPE" ACTION - CREATE OBJECT:  Unable to load properties when object is derived from WSDL URI
16562 AMTB: When in Visual View and exporting to PDF, pdf display resembles aml view and some content is cutoff
16561 ODS ACTIVITIES: When no session yet created, "Resource" is defaulting to "Session" rather than "File"
16560 FTP (SYNCHRONIZE FOLDERS): grammar correction "if file exist..." should be "if file exists..." or "if files exist..."
16559 AMTB: Creating a comment inside of <???> will delete all steps
16558 HELP FILE: ftp options list from the ftp logon activity need to be documented in the help file
16557 DIALOG (CUSTOM): "unhandled exception has occurred in a component..." error when saving the dialog designer in OS with different regional settings
16555 AGENT UPGRADE: agent upgrade information prompt does not occur when clicking upgrade in top nav bar of the SMC
16554 BPAS_EXEC: "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object...." when workflows contain orphaned schedule triggers
16552 BPAS_EXEC: "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object...." error messages in Windows event log
16543 AMTA: Cannot open a task when the task name contain special characters (i.e. åäö)
16542 TRIGGER (FILE TRIGGER): When a file is referenced within the include mask field AND is also listed in the folder path, the include mask is ignored
16541 SMC (REPOSITORY): Copy and Pasting a task in the repository will revert all settings to INHERITED
16540 BPAS_EXEC: subworkflow execution causes execution server service to leak memory
16537 HELP FILE: COMPRESSION (COMPRESS) documentation references preserve folder structure radio buttons that are no longer present in v10
16536 AMTB (INDENT): Pressing the Format Steps Button with a nested loop will break the second END IF indentation
16535 AMTB (INDENT): Adding an indented step below a non-indented step will remove the indentation of the step
16534 WFD: "...this condition is not available with the currently registered license." message for repository properties for tasks, workflows, and processes
16533 WFD: repository properties should not be an available right click selection for evaluation and wait objects
16531 HELP FILE: remove specified user information for when workstation is logged on
16517 WAIT (FOR FILE): "files does not exist" does not wait for ALL files to not exist when using a wildcard
16515 [FEATURE] AMTA AND SMC:  Change "Help/Systems" to "HelpSystems" wherever it is displayed
16514 HELP FILE:  in AMTA and AMTB, on Welcome Help Page, clicking "About Network Automation, Inc." link in left nav generates "Page can't be displayed"
16513 AMTASK:  "Abnormal program termination" error when running subtasks using attachments
16512 SHARED VARIABLES: Shared variables are not displayed under "task variables" folder in the expression builder
16511 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): Main display will not show adjustments made under "advanced/adjust"
16510 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): Importing a disabled task from v6, v7 or v8 leaves a "Dont trigger on startup" message within the trigger
16497 BPAS_EXEC: Out of Memory (MEMORY LEAK)
16496 AMTA CONNECTIONS:  When "Disconnect & Remove" applied to localhost or local ip address, connection is disconnected but not removed
16493 FTP (LOGON): SFTP authentication type default Auto is not a selection once you select a different option
16442 BPAEM: slow memory leak when task isolation is set to medium or low


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